Thursday, July 3, 2008

Little Ballerina Princess

Here are a few pictures of my girls, Monkeesee & Monkeedoo. They are just getting so big and it is hard to see them as people and not little babies. The eldest monkee, the beautiful princess ballerina, has decided to end her dancing career. "I like watching the ballerinas more than doing it." And it looks as if the younger of the monkees is just getting started in the ballet arena, she loves to dance and monkee sister just loves to instruct her in the proper poses.
These little monkees seem to be growing up way too fast. Their interest change so quickly and they are so cute and adorable, that must be why I live in a zoo.
The zoo only cages them in for a short period of time. But Monkeesee and Monkeedoo like to swing from the rafters, and the zoo keepers are always to get them down. These keepers have super strength and are extremely exhausted.
The zoo keepers are always wondering what will happen next?????

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