Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is just a small excerpt from the zookeepers' day. The head zookeeper was trying to prepare for TS Fay and insisted that the monkees would be able to "help". So today, Monkeesee and Monkeedoo helped the head keeper with the zoo grounds.
As you can see, you should never turn your back on Monkeesee and Monkeedoo.

They were having a great time "planting," they reported.
"What were you planting?" we asked.
"And why?"
"It needs help to grow. It was sooo fun."
As you might have predicted, this happened just before dinner. Dinner is always a hectic time, as Monkeesee and Monkeedoo love to assist the chef. The chef, after seeing Monkeesee and Monkeedoo, decided that someone else need to cook.

TS Fay was a dud, and now both zookeepers will prepare for the remaining hurricane season.
Go away Gustav!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Wiggle Big Show

As you all know, Monkeesee and Monkeedoo love The Wiggles. This year The Wiggles came to an arena near these monkees. The zookeepers brought Monkeesee and Monkeedoo to the venue, where the girls seemed to really have a great time. Monkeesee and Monkeedoo love going on excursions to live events. Monkeesee and Monkeedoo have been to the Barnum & Bailey Circus and Princesses on Ice, among other shows. But their favorite by far is The Wiggle Big Show.

The zookeepers certainly had their work cut out for them that night, as the place was crawling with monkees as far as the eyes could see! Monkeedoo was ecstatic to see them live and to hear them sing her favorite song, "Rock-a-Bye Your Bear". She also loved seeing Dorothy the Dinosaur dance. Monkeedoo gave Dorothy the Dinosaur a bouquet of roses. Monkeesee loved watching and singing along to all the songs. She enjoyed watching the dancers too, and learned a few new moves herself. We got to sit right up close and shake a few hands.

The zookeepers, however tired they may have been, thought it was all worth the effort just to see the joy on Monkeesee and Monkeedoo's faces. The zookeepers got a kick out of the shenanigans of Captain Feathersword and Ben Murray, the famed Wiggle Dancer -- Those two are hysterical to watch live.

I am sure that the zookeepers will venture out again soon for another unforgettable evening with Monkeesee and Monkeedoo.

Summer Fun

As you can see, Monkeesee and Monkeedoo have had quite a summer. Just like their mom, they love to go to the beach and play in the surf with friends and family. This summer, Monkeemetoo was at the beach as well! All the monkees seemed to have a great time getting to be together. Although the monkees live pretty far apart, they love each other very much.
Monkeesee, Monkeedoo and Monkeemetoo enjoyed getting private art lessons with esteemed southern artist, Dara Bartee. I had no idea that Monkeesee and Monkeedoo were so talented.
They also received a private ballet lesson, which was great to watch. They experienced a great deal of summer fun, and can't wait to do it again.
Now that Monkeesee and Monkeedoo are home, they are climbing the walls and are demanding full time zookeeper attention.
They are, of course, the center of attention wherever they go.

Birthdays with Monkeesee & Monkeedoo

Monkeesee and Monkeedoo are growing up faster and faster. We have held several birthday parties for the two of them and as you can see they really are a couple of monkeys. Monkeesee and Monkeedoo both really love presents and above all, cake - Lots of cake with lots of icing. "The more icing the better," as the Monkees are fond of saying. But they agree that friends and family are the most important part of any birthday celebration.
Happy Birthday Monkeesee and Monkeedoo!