This is just a small excerpt from the zookeepers' day. The head zookeeper was trying to prepare for TS Fay and insisted that the monkees would be able to "help". So today, Monkeesee and Monkeedoo helped the head keeper with the zoo grounds.
As you can see, you should never turn your back on Monkeesee and Monkeedoo.
They were having a great time "planting," they reported.
"What were you planting?" we asked.
"And why?"
"It needs help to grow. It was sooo fun."
As you might have predicted, this happened just before dinner. Dinner is always a hectic time, as Monkeesee and Monkeedoo love to assist the chef. The chef, after seeing Monkeesee and Monkeedoo, decided that someone else need to cook.
TS Fay was a dud, and now both zookeepers will prepare for the remaining hurricane season.
Go away Gustav!
oh my goodness .. what a messy little monkeesee
cousin monkee never gets that dirty
Monkeemetoo probably never gets a chance to get that dirty.
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